JORC 礦產資源量報告

As at 31 December 2019, the total Measured, Indicated and Inferred gold mineral resources at Sokor (above a 0.17 g/t gold cut-off grade at Rixen and for oxide rock at Ketubong, New Discovery and New Found and above a 0.5 g/t gold cut-off grade at Manson's Lode and for transitional and fresh rock at Ketubong, New Discovery and New Found) amounted to 16,320 kt at 1.7 g/t gold for 900,000 ounces of contained gold (inclusive of material used to define Ore Reserves). Silver, lead and zinc resources were reported for Manson's Lode, both within the gold mineralisation, above a 0.5 g/t gold cut-off grade, and also external to the gold mineralisation, above a cut-off of 2% lead plus zinc. Lead and zinc resources were reported for Sg Amang above a cut-off of 2% lead plus zinc. With the additional drilling at Manson's Lode and the definition of Mineral Resources at Sg Amang, the total resources for silver, lead and zinc mineralisation were 1,720 kt with an average grade of 61 g/t Ag, 2.1% lead and 2.5% zinc for 3,350,000 ounces of contained silver, 36,340 tonnes of contained lead and 43,320 tonnes of contained zinc.

Compared to the Group's Mineral Resource estimates as at 31 December 2018, there was a decrease of 1% in contained gold and increases of 74% in contained silver, 58% in contained lead and 84% in contained zinc as at 31 December 2019.

以下為截至 20191231 日之索谷礦區項目礦產資源量列表(包括礦石儲量)。

總礦產資源量 中色金礦所占權益之礦產資源量
類別 礦物

(金 克/噸,
銀 克/噸,
(金 千盎司,
銀 千盎司,
鉛 噸,
鋅 噸)

(金 克/噸,
銀 克/噸,
(金 千盎司,
銀 千盎司,
鉛 噸,
鋅 噸)
動 (%)
探明 0.38 2.6 30 0.31 2.6 30 -12%
控制 9.44 1.6 480 7.65 1.6 390 10%
推斷 6.50 1.7 380 5.26 1.7 310 -13%
總計 16.32 1.7 900 13.22 1.7 730 -1%
探明 0.38 69 860 0.31 69 690 25%
控制 0.16 66 340 0.13 66 280 -16%
推斷 1.17 57 2,150 0.95 57 1,740 156%
總計 1.72 61 3,350 1.39 61 2,710 74%
探明 0.38 2.0 7,570 0.31 2.0 6,130 50%
控制 0.16 1.6 2,610 0.13 1.6 2,120 2%
推斷 1.17 2.2 26,160 0.95 2.2 21,190 70%
總計 1.72 2.1 36,340 1.39 2.1 29,430 58%
探明 0.38 2.1 7,960 0.31 2.1 6,450 25%
控制 0.16 1.8 2,960 0.13 1.8 2,400 -12%
推斷 1.17 2.8 32,390 0.95 2.8 26,240 135%
總計 1.72 2.5 43,320 1.39 2.5 35,090 84%

Below was the Mineral Resource Statement as at 31 December 2019 for CNMC Pulai Project.

總礦產資源量 中色金礦所占權益之礦產資源量
類別 礦物

鈉+鉀 Kt

鈉+鉀 Kt
动 (%)
探明 長石 - - - - - - Not previously reported
控制 長石 - - - - - - Not previously reported
推斷 長石 23.7 9.5 2.5 12.1 9.5 1.3 Not previously reported
總計 長石 23.7 9.5 2.5 12.1 9.5 1.3 Not previously reported


The Mineral Resource estimates for Sokor and CNMC Pulai were prepared and classified by Optiro Pty Ltd in accordance with the guidelines of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. The code is prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the Minerals Council of Australia, December 2012 (the "JORC Code 2012").